
Friday, August 31, 2007

A Quiet House

I missed having the house to myself! I love how quiet it can be. It brings back memories of visiting my grandparents. They had a daily routine and, around late-morning, it was wonderfully quiet and peaceful at their house. You could hear the cuckoo clock ticking away. It didn't occur to me then how they enjoyed their peaceful days.

Although, there are times when I blast the stereo too! Lately I've been enjoying listening to a local commercial-free alternative rock station 88.9 WSTB. The kids come home from school and ask if they can turn it down! LOL

So, it doesn't really matter whether I opt for a quiet day or a loud one, I still have been loving my time alone. Back-to-school time allows me to get caught up on projects I've set aside, organize supplies, and plan for the busy Fall/Holiday season.

Here are a few Back-to-School fashions available in my Etsy shop. New designs and lots more to come!