
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Snow Days

With a fresh 10 - 12" of snow over the last few days, it's been GREAT skiing weather here. The kids have come a long way this year. I was remembering skiing out back by myself when they were too little, or too young to even want to come along. I would take the walkie-talkies and a little voice would crackle through saying "Mom, can I have a snack?" or "Mom, I can see you from my bedroom window!" Last night we all skied and had a blast. Tonight I'm blogging and making pizza, but the kids waited for Dad to get home and off they went! So, I'm hoping to get boots that don't kill my feet and maybe next year we can go ski some real trails.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Powerpuff Madness

What's gotten into me? I don't know. Just a crazy kick I guess.
As promised, here's the next hat in my Powerpuff Tribute...... Bubbles' Cloche!